So go rent it or buy it (the DVD set comes with three discs: movie, movie high definition and Extras), it will not let you down. I do not think there is ONE girl with natural breasts. The only bad thing about it: the fake breasts. My girlfriend enjoyed it as much as I did, and she does not usually enjoy porn. Did you know that these actors could actually act? Of course, it would not be the best movie ever, but since this is porn, I can say that it is the best porn movie ever done. There is good humor, a good story, some pretty good special effects (considering the budget for the movie was 1 million dollars and that is porn).

To be completely honest, if they removed every porn action in this movie (like they seem to have done in the R-rated version), this would still be very watchable, even if the sex was completely removed. And a good one, not like those movies Private releases.

I'm not writing this to tell the story, but in a few words, there is actually a storyline in this movie.